Established in 2010 by Hubert Pelletier and Yves de Fontenay, Pelletier de Fontenay is an architectural practice based in Montreal. The office has quickly gained a reputation for excellence in designing contemporary public buildings and is currently working on projects for museums, schools, and libraries.

Pelletier de Fontenay has won two international competitions for the LOSBATES school, near Prague, and the Montreal Insectarium, a project in partnership with Berlin-based agency, Kuehn Malvezzi, and Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes. Locally, the firm won the Lab-École Shefford competition and the Sanaaq community center in downtown Montreal. The agency's work has also been highlighted by the awarding of major prizes, including the Architectural League prize, one of the most prestigious recognitions for emerging architects in North America.

The studio is particularly interested in the relationship between abstract concepts in architecture and their material embodiments. This approach, born of a double fascination for form and construction, is deepened by involvement in teaching and research. Parallel to their practice, Pelletier de Fontenay pursues research projects in architecture including the Invariations project, an abstract creative exploration of the fundamental principles of architecture, and Architectures de la Nature Captive, a project examining the relationship between the built and the living.

source: v2com